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Empowering Māori parents to make healthier food decisions for their children

Awarded $125,000 in funding
Over 2 years, starting in 2023

Empowering Māori parents to make healthier food decisions for their children

This research project, led by Distinguished Professor Linda Smith, seeks to address food inequities and empower young Māori parents with mātauranga (knowledge) around kai and healthy kai practices for the wellbeing of their whānau.

This project will work with a group of parents in the Eastern Bay of Plenty to understand their thinking about kai, their kai aspirations for their pēpi, and their circumstances in which they make decisions. The team will then use a culturally appropriate, mana-enhancing framework to inspire the parents and whānau to embrace healthier food choices. The research team’s big aim is to drive inter-generational change – from parents to pēpi – that supports kai sovereignty, healthy relationships with kai, and good health.

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