Sixty-one active research projects.
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Displaying 10 of 10 projects
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A new method for measuring visual acuity progression in young childrenAwarded $101,547
Preventing future blindness by identifying ‘at-risk’ childrenAwarded $109,667
Intranasal immunomodulatory for preterm brain injuryAwarded $106,937
Development of novel tooth-coloured crowns to treat dental caries in childrenAwarded $14,215
Evaluation of a healthy lifestyle app for screening of weightAwarded $250,000
Dissemination of ancestral knowledge to improve children's health and wellbeingAwarded $125,000
Fighting drug-resistant staphylococcal skin infectionsAwarded $100,000
Monitoring mortality and risk factors for SUDIAwarded $98,120
The genetic basis of height extremesAwarded $108,000
Studying inherited disabilitiesAwarded $50,000
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