Big research for little lives.

We raise funds to support big research so big breakthroughs in child health can happen.

How we do it
  1. $70M

    Of world-class research funded
  2. 700+

    Research projects completed
  3. 53yrs

    Of proven results
  1. $70M

    Of world-class research funded
  2. 700+

    Research projects completed
  3. 53yrs

    Of proven results

Big Research

We are currently supporting over $12 million of child health research projects.

Learn more

Preterm Health

5 Active projects

Childhood Cancers

4 Active projects

Maternal and Infant Conditions

8 Active projects

Rheumatic Heart Disease

8 Active projects

Childhood Development and Learning Difficulties

8 Active projects

Neurological and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

3 Active projects

Obesity, Growth Disorders & Nutrition

5 Active projects

Mental Health and Wellbeing

13 Active projects

Oral and Dental Disease

1 Active project

Genetic Conditions and Rare Disorders

5 Active projects

Respiratory Conditions

5 Active projects

Infectious Disease

4 Active projects

Gastrointestinal Conditions

1 Active project

Big Breakthroughs

Research projects with significant & life-changing breakthroughs in child health.

Treatment for a rare disorder – Batten Disease

We contributed to a series of studies that led to the discovery of a gene therapy for Batten Disease, which is now in human clinical trials in the USA.

- Professor David Palmer, Associate Professor Stephanie Hughes, Associate Professor Nigel Anderson, Dr Nadia Mitchell, Dr Samantha Murray, and

Discovery of some of the genes which causes epilepsy

We funded research to identify some of the genes that cause epilepsy, enabling more targeted treatments and care.

- Professor Lynette Sadlier

Digital tools to help children and adolescents better manage their mental health

We funded research to investigate the causes of mental health conditions in young people, and to develop an online tool to combat depression and anxiety.

- Professor Sally Merry

Demonstration that babies born at 23–24 weeks can survive

Cure Kids funded a study that provided evidence that babies born prematurely at 23-24 weeks can survive and thrive.

- Associate Professor Max Berry

Proof that sleeping position can reduce stillbirths by 50%

A study investigating the causes of stillbirth led to new advice for pregnant mothers on the safest sleeping position, reducing the risk of stillbirth by 50%.

- Lesley McCowan

Prevention of 200 sudden unexpected deaths in infancy every year

We funded a series of studies on risk factors for SUDI, leading to advice that has prevented at least 200 deaths every year, and many more around the world.

- Professor Ed Mitchell

Generation of full-thickness human skin in a lab

In 2012, Professor Rod Dunbar engineered full-thickness human skin in the laboratory using the patient’s own skin cells to enable skin repair after burns.

- Professor Rod Dunbar

Invention of a patented car-seat insert

A study on the cause of unexpected deaths of babies in car seats led to the invention of an insert that helps maintain breathing and improve safety.

- Dr Shirley Tonkin, Professor Alistair Gunn, and Dr Christine McIntosh

Diagnostic test to enable treatment for cystic fibrosis at birth

Sir Bob Elliott identified a blood test (newborn heel-prick) to diagnose cystic fibrosis at birth, enabling earlier treatment and increasing life expectancy.

- Sir Bob Elliott

Innovative treatment for infants with brain injury

Cure Kids funding led to the development of a cap to cool babies’ heads to limit or reverse brain injury in at-risk babies.

- Professor Sir Peter Gluckman & Professor Alistair Gunn

Our research in action

71 active projects, 90 phenomenal researchers